415-459-1203 drmikol@gmail.com
Family often means conflict.
So I want to share something with you that is important to know and to keep in mind if you are spending time with your family this Thanksgiving holiday.
Relationships rarely improve when people try to change each other.
Rather, we find happiness by focusing on each others positive attributes. Expressing gratitude and appreciation for these qualities creates a loving, accepting atmosphere for everyone.
So over the holiday weekend, think about how you might share your gratitude for your loved ones with your loved ones. Put these things on a mental checklist, keep them in mind, and while you’re with your family, tell them.
That’s it for now. Thanks for reading.
Wishing you peace, acceptance, and a wonderful and loving Thanksgiving 🙂


Dr. Mikol
P.S. Please send me your comments! I’d love to hear from you.