415-459-1203 drmikol@gmail.com

Father’s Day 2009

This was my first Father’s Day when I didn’t have my Dad around to celebrate. My father Joe D. Davis died July 5, 2008 after living 89 years filled with may blessings. How we often take for granted our health and life until we are faced with someone close...

An historical day and new hope for Aging Parents

Our country has seen a renewed sense of Hope that change can once again be a real part of our American society. Being a child of the sixties I never thought that Boomers’ would allow government to control their daily lives. That has been the bad dream of the...

Excited about the Vote for Elders Rights

Now glued to my television watching the election results. It seems clear that the American voters have finally got it right on our newest President. We will finally have a President that truly understands the importance of advocating and protecting the rights of our...